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Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween week

Hello everyone!!

Hope you all have been good!

This was a special week for us all. And that was because we just had Halloween. During this time all that is dark and mysterious comes to life. During this time we believe in demons and vampires and werewolves. It's the time of pranks and trick or treat.

In order to celebrate this even, we decided to make special activities. So we dedicated this whole week to Halloween.

We told creepy stories, made ornaments, masks and of course the Jack Oh'lanterns from pumpkins.

Time for a little spiritual session, to scare the most sensible ones. Don't worry nobody was really possessed. It was just a little play :)

We decided to take pumpkins and have the children make Jack Oh'lanterns. And they did a great job, as you can see in the pictures.

Our little ones in kindergarten painted a big pumpkin, a ghost and a witch.

We also played some traditional games like apple bobbing. In this game they had to take the apple from the bowl without using the hands. It's was quite funny see them try and not get wet :D 

They also prepared their own masks for the night of 31st October where they would go Trick or Treat.

It was a really fun week and we know that the kids had a great time with us.

If you want to see more pictures of this week click here!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Forum theater in School nr 4

Hey hey everyone!

Hope you all have been well!

During this week we had a special task to prepare. Remember that we made a training about Forum Theater (You can know more about this here).  So this was the time to put that training into something.

We prepared a small play about Bulling and Discrimination in the schools of Romania. In this case we portrait between Romanian and Roma (gypsy) children, but it could be easily the other way around or between the same nationality or minority. It's a world problem that must be fought and with this example we tried to create awareness to the situation.

Remember that this play is made by volunteers and not professional actors. We went to school nr 4, in Ramnicu Valcea. After presenting the situation we got help from the 8th grade students in order to find the solution.

We are very happy to say that it was a complete success.

Here you can watch our performance and let us know if the solutions were appropriate or what other actions could be done to eradicate this problem from our societies.

We would like to thank the school, teachers and students for participating and helping us make this possible.

Let's eradicate this situations from our schools. Say no to discrimination and bulling.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Meeting with Parents in Colonia Nuci

Hello everyone :)

On the last Wednesday, 2nd of October, we were invited to attend a parents meeting in Colonia Nuci school.

We were very surprised and honored when we received the invitation from the principal of the school.

In this meeting we would be explaining to the parents our own campaign. We plan to go stay some days in the school in order to wake up the kids in the morning to prevent absenteeism. 
Our objective is also to let the parents know that we are not gaining anything with what we are doing, and that it's really about the children.

We noticed that some of the parents were touched by our gesture and were wiling to help us. We really hope that we can put this project into motion.

Being invited by the principal made us feel that we were really part of the community and that they think of us as part of the solution. We were truly happy.

Thank you all so much! :)

Week in the School

Hello everyone

After our training in Sinaia, we have returned to the schools with more motivation to work with the children. New activities and ideas have been put into practice.

Since we had some new volunteers with us, some introductions were in order, so we played some games to get to know each other again.

Since we are in the Autumn right now, one of the activities that we made with the smaller ones was drawing something with Autumn has a theme.

We have to say that some of them were really good.

One of the days was dedicated to sport activities, so we made three legged races, mimics and other energizers. These have been really fun days.

Thank you to all the children. Hope you had fun with us also. We''l be back next week.