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Friday, May 9, 2014

European Union Day

Hello everyone!

Hope you all have been good!

In 9th of May we all celebrated a special day to us volunteers. It was the European Union Day.
To many of you it may mean nothing. And we are sure that a lot of people still ask what is the European Union. Why are we a part of it? And what did it do for our country?

These are all very hard questions to understand and answer. We are not going to write about politics.

What we all wanted to celebrate was the Union. All the volunteers come from different parts of the world. A lot of those countries are not part of the European Union. But still they are here participating in the same projects. We are all United in the same place and with the same beliefs.


Being a special day, we decided that we had to do something. Like the good democratic countries we come from we decided to have a vote. With this we agreed that we would make a flash mob.

The preparations went very well. As you can see we are all committed into making something nice.

We were very happy that the community also participated!

Holding hands for a unified world.

But before Union there is chaos! :P

And then union again.

Where are we going next?

We also distributed flyers with some information about this day.

Thank you!!

We even had the young ones participating.

We had a very nice experience in this day. We noticed that people were curious about what we were doing. And some even told us what were their thought on EU.

We also distributed flyers with information about EU day.

Here is the brochure that we created for this day.

The video from this special day is on it's way.

In this activity we joined forces with the volunteers from the Green Life Project.

We all hope to have created some dialog about this day and what means to part of a community, and also of something bigger than all of us. Which is the utopia of a world with no borders.

And as promised here you have the video from our activities in the EU day.

Special thanks to all the volunteers who participated and to the community.  

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